Shadow of Lir'Ah - 1.0 release

Hello adventurer!

This is the final update for the release version of Shadow of Lir'Ah.

  • New animations for player and npc
  • Tileset changes
  • Added Graphical flavour
  • Cutscene timings to work accordingly
  • Better information for the player at the start of the game
  • Small map layout changes
  • Closer camera
  • Players can bring more then one key at once

Most of the changes done have been on the visual department, the new animation for the player and jump feel goes for a better moment to moment experience. Other Tile set changes are hard to nail down because some chromatic changes to the spritesheet goes along way making the world more believable. The background rocks colors have been toned down making it mesh better with rest of the caves. The addition of different kind of plants and groves to make it feel more authentic. There would be still the addition of inclined planes to help with that but while it would help in some way it would also go against the gameplay set in the game.

Many players reported that the camera was very far from the action and while it wasn't a negative complaint I drew it a bit closer. It's an already diffucult game and having it less readable doesn't improve the experience, plus the sprite work is more clear now.

The other big changes goes into accessibility, the open ended nature of the game make for some moments for the player to adjust to the world so a better map design has been made showcasing some point of interest. The map layout has been modified to nudge the player towards the first point of interest. The hardest one was the npc dialogues that have been changed to give more information while not feeling like quest givers.

The only changes for the mechanics in the game has been the Keys. While before the player could take just one key at the time before picking up others now it's possible to collect as many as you want and a section in the menu will show how many you currently have. This was much needed because there's already a lot of going back on your step in case you missed something more of that was kind of pointless.

That is about all the changes for now!


ShadowOfLirah1.0.exe 73 MB
Nov 13, 2023
Iborean Sea.mp3 2.5 MB
Nov 28, 2023

Get Shadows Of Lir'ah

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